Our understanding of mental health conditions has improved significantly in recent years. Certain strong emotions that were once nearly impossible to understand can now be identified and addressed more effectively. For instance, you may be experiencing the symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder right now. Generalized anxiety disorder, also known as GAD, can have an enormous impact on your daily life, but its effects can also be managed through treatment.

What Is Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Generalized anxiety disorder is a mental health condition in which someone experiences excessive worry over everyday situations. How it affects people varies, but the symptoms are usually described as intense and can negatively impact your quality of life. It is important to discuss the symptoms you are experiencing with a professional, so they can have a clear understanding of how to proceed with your treatment. 

Differences Between GAD and Regular Anxiety

Although they appear to be the same, GAD and regular anxiety have key differences that separate them. For example, the intensity of GAD is often worse than regular anxiety. Regular anxiety is usually temporary and is only tied to a specific event. Once the event is over, the anxiety generally subsides.

People who have GAD can feel anxious for days over a period of six months. It can occur over anything and is not easy to control. Another example is the triggers; Regular anxiety is typically triggered by a phobia or being in a stressful situation. GAD often does not have a specific trigger and is more generalized. Understanding these differences can help you identify the problem and seek out the most optimal treatment. 

The Symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Generalized anxiety disorder can have troublesome symptoms. The most difficult symptom it presents is arguably chronic anxiety. Individuals dealing with this anxiety disorder may experience overwhelming emotions about seemingly mundane occurrences or circumstances.

The specific type of chronic anxiety associated with GAD is difficult to deal with because it’s both persistent and pervasive. Even when an individual who has this disorder has rationalized that their worries are unfounded, they may persist anyway. The pervasiveness of GAD is difficult to dismiss because it can infiltrate many aspects of life.

Persistent and pervasive anxiety is the main symptom of generalized anxiety disorder, but this mental health condition can also manifest itself in other ways. Tension is another symptom linked to GAD, and you may feel it affecting your muscles or causing headaches. While dealing with the onset of GAD, an affected individual may also experience heart palpitations and difficulty breathing. The episode may also leave the person feeling fatigued.

Symptoms associated with generalized anxiety disorder include the following:

  • Constant worry or a sense of impending doom
  • Concentration issues
  • Restlessness
  • Fatigue
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Muscle tension
  • Irritability

Due to how similar the symptoms of GAD are to other mental health conditions, it’s important to seek an evaluation to determine their root cause. 

Treatment Options for Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Therapy can help manage a case of generalized anxiety disorder. Speak to your healthcare provider about your symptoms so they can get to the heart of your troubles. Gradually, you may come to understand the root of your anxiety and develop strategies for managing it.

Medication can also be used to treat GAD. Sticking to your prescriptions is a must if you’re using medication to treat your chronic anxiety. Avoid misusing your medication and return for additional check-ins if your healthcare provider schedules them.

To date, the exact causes of generalized anxiety disorder remain unknown, but researchers have determined that genetics and a person’s experiences play a significant role in its development. Traumatic experiences as well as constantly being exposed to stressful living conditions can make a person more likely to develop this condition. 

According to statistics provided by the Anxiety & Depression Association of America, generalized anxiety disorder affects 6.8 million adults in the United States. However, only 43.2 percent of those 6.8 million adults are getting treatment.

We Offer GAD Treatment

Generalized anxiety disorder is not a condition you have to battle alone. The healthcare providers at AVI MIND P.C. in New York can offer treatment for that mental health condition. Contact us by calling 516-464-8404, so we can provide the treatment you deserve!