Sometimes, mental health treatment requires medication in order to adequately manage symptoms. The dedicated team at AVI MIND is here to help provide patients, families, and caretakers with medication management if it is indicated. To find out how medication management can help you or your loved one achieve a healthier, more balanced daily routine, read on.

What Is Medication Management?

Medication management is a strategy developed for patients, families, and their caretakers to ensure the proper medications are being taken in the right amounts at the right time, consistently. As part of their treatment plan, medication management can ensure that a patient stays on track and balanced when it comes to their prescriptions. This can include tracking and recording when and how often medications are taken and any side effects a patient may experience.

Who Should Consider Medication Management?

Patients who have been diagnosed with a mental health disorder, such as ADHD, depression, anxiety, OCD, or PTSD, may benefit greatly from psychotropic medication management. Because these mental health conditions can feel overwhelming, having a medication management system can help patients remain organized and consistent with their treatment.

How Does Medication Management Benefit a Patient’s Mental Health Treatment?

Medication may help relieve symptoms of mental health conditions in cases where relief has not been found with more holistic measures. Medication management can also benefit a patient’s mental health by allowing them to learn more information about how to handle their symptoms. As dosages and frequencies are adjusted, patients can learn what side effects they may experience beforehand to feel more in control of their healing journey. The goal of medication management is not to take away autonomy from the patient; we aim to educate, assist, and encourage them to play an active role in their self-care. 

What Are the Benefits of Medication Management?

Medication management can provide many benefits to patients in therapy, including:

      • Personalizing each management plan as healing progresses

      • Reducing side effects

      • Reducing hospitalizations

      • Giving patients independence

      • Improving self-care

      • Improving the therapeutic outcome, leading to success

    Schedule a Consultation for Medication Management in New York Today

    If you or a loved one needs medication management, contact the team at AVI MIND today. Our team includes top psychiatric providers for medication management in New York, New York. 

    With a mission to help patients in recovery or therapy achieve a better, improved, and balanced life, our providers strive to give every patient the tools they need to succeed. To schedule a consultation for medication management, click here or call 516-464-8404 to reach a member of our team.